| 1. | Which country has the world ' s most undervalued currency 世界上哪个国家的货币被低估的最严重? |
| 2. | Among rich economies , the most undervalued currency is the australian dollar 在富有的经济体中,最被低估的货币是澳元。 |
| 3. | In other words , the yuan is the most undervalued currency , the swiss franc the most overvalued 换句话说,人民币是价值最被低估的货币,瑞士法郎是最被高估的。 |
| 4. | In other words , the philippine peso is the world ' s most undervalued currency , the swiss franc its most overvalued 换句话说,菲律宾比索是世界上最被低估的货币,瑞士法郎是最被高估的。 |
| 5. | Asia ' s persistent current account surpluses and undervalued currencies could add to pressures to erect barriers in the us and europe if things turn bad 在情况恶化时,亚洲持续的经常账户盈余和货币低估,可能会加大美国和欧洲建立贸易壁垒的压力。 |
| 6. | It would require the treasury to identify seriously undervalued currencies , and then , if the culprits do not take action , would allow american firms to ask for protective anti - dumping duties 这要求财政部来确认严重低估的货币,如果罪犯不采取行动,那么就允许美国公司提出保护性反倾销关税的要求。 |
| 7. | Our hearing indicated that china s undervalued currency is just one of several factors behind that country s success in attracting massive inflows of fdi , particularly into its manufacturing sector 我们的听证会表明,中国过低的货币价值只是其成功地吸引到大批外国直接投资,尤其是将投资吸引到中国的制造业的许多因素之一。 |
| 8. | China ' s supply of cheap labor , coupled with what is widely seen as a deliberately undervalued currency , helped some $ 465 billion in foreign direct investment flow into the country from 1995 to 2004 , making it one of the hottest destinations in the world for foreign capital 中国提供廉价的劳力,加上被广泛看作是低价值的货币,促成大约465亿外国直接投资从1995年到2004年间进入了这个国家,使她成为了世界上外国资本投资最热点的地方。 |